Dancing is fun!

October 28th, 2008

Yesterday, I was supposed to have my very first Tango Argentino lesson in Saarbrücken with Maren. So, tickets were bought, and I diligently take the bus (and just so happen to be able to work quite a bit on my thesis, woohoo!). As Tango Argentino starts late, Maren and me take it easy. We get to the university and find our way to the Mensa, where they serve a ridiculously priced meal (cheap does not begin to describe it). It also happens to be a reasonable meal at that :) Exactly what a Mensa should be: cheap and not very bad. Except that their interpretation of cheap makes the Aldi look like 5-star roomservice.

After a nice dinner, we leisurely find our way to the dancing room — located on the opposite side of the university. As neither of us has been there before, we have some fun walking around and finding signs and maps. Eventually, we locate the building (rather obscure), still with plenty of time to spare, and sit down in the lounge area to relax a bit. So far, so good. As the hour of dancing approaches, we make our way to the exercise room, where the previous class is just leaving (and leaves us with the expensive stereo, noting “we actually should stow it, but if there’s another class, we’ll leave it” (sidenote: this stereo happens to have a USB port, much like others I have seen before. I tried it with my MP3 player: no luck. WTF? This is the umpteenth time I am trying that. How come all computers recognise my MP3 player without a hitch, without needing any software update whatsoever, and no stereo/car stereo/other sound device can recognise it? It is fairly standard, you know…</whine>)).

So, Maren and me chat a bit with the other two attendees. Turns out they came here interested, without a partner. Luckily enough for them, the one is male while the other female — they’ve found a partner!

Despite the smalltalk being interesting, we do note the passage of time, and lack of instruction. After a while, Maren decided to investigate and we check the course website. Turns out that the lessons are only at specific dates (basically: every other week), and do not start when the course starts.

I kid you not. The course started yesterday, the first lesson however will be next week.

Actually, this ment that we could go to Maren’s place early and talk a bit and sleep a bit more than expected. All in all, a good turn of events in my book. Made me happy. So: dancing is fun, now I’m curious about dancing lessons ;)

Series worth watching

October 9th, 2008

Well, at least a partially complete list of series I have watched:

  • TriGun
  • Naruto
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Deep Space 9
  • Heroes
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • The 4400
  • Scrapped Princess
  • Entertaining too: Records of Lodoss War, Read or Die

Lucky bastard

October 5th, 2008

Ferry & YvonneNot to brag or anything, just because I am sort of bubbling over with this…

I’ve got some amazing friends, family, colleagues and bosses. And on top of that, I have a truly wonderful girlfriend.

Yep, I’ve had a very good time the last couple of days.

You have new mail!

September 9th, 2008

And the subject is….

“You will receive 1000s of invitations from whole over the world to act in porno films!”


September 6th, 2008

Probably anyone remotely interested in the American presidential elections has by now learned who the running mates for the major candidates are. Did you notice it too? The running mates seem perfectly poised to appeal to the target demographic that the opposing candidate is popular with. Indeed, given the choice of running mates, it seems like both Obama and McCain are making the statement that the other one would make a good vice-president.

Rather ironic, don’t you think?
But perhaps there is more than a small grain of truth to this. McCain seems to have understood Obama’s message of change, and have witnessed the appeal it has, and (by his choice of running mate) seems to indicate that change is necessary. On the other hand, Obama has often been criticised for being inexperienced — which is marvelously addressed by having a senior senator as a running mate.

Either way, both parties now have a unique candidate team. Either a man from African-American heritage (PC mode enabled :S) or a woman will end up in the White House, in a position of unprecedented power for someone with that background (arguably overlooking mrs. Clinton ;)

Given that, I am estimating that mr. McCain has the advantage. Overall, I think more Americans are ready for a female vice-president, than for a president with an African-American (*) heritage.

(*) I dislike Political Correctness, Would love to say “black president” here instead (meaning no disrespect). Would you be offended?


August 22nd, 2008

Spent a bit more time with Ubuntu 8.04 on the Eee [UPDATE: running that for ages. Updated this post now that I have re-installed the thing with Ubuntu 9.04]. The thing seems fully functioning now, hooray! So how do you get there?

  1. In the BIOS, set the hard-disk order to prioritise the USB drive (not under “boot”, but under disk order (iirc)
  2. boot from a ubuntu Live USB, install to the big harddisk (this’ll leave you Xandros on the small disk)
  3. Restart, install the eeepc kernel from http://www.array.org/ubuntu/index.html
  4. Tweak, twist turn and floptimise: follow the instructions at www.array.org or http://wiki.eeeuser.com/getting_ubuntu_8.04_to_work_perfectly?s=hardy
  5. Just in case your microphone is not working, check http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=33794
  6. Comment out the cdrom entry in /etc/fstab — it gets in the way of automounting USB disks in Ubuntu
  7. Get all of your packages in full on there:
    • Shell: zsh
    • Editor: vim (instead of vim-tiny)
    • Text-writing / work: LaTeX (texlive package)
    • Conversion tools: psutils (psnup/psselect/…)
    • Version control / work: Subversion
    • Online movie playback: totem, totem-mozilla, totem-xine (ignore totem-gstreamer, it plays WMV’s frame by frame) [update: not needed any more? works out of the box in 9.04]
    • Music: XMMS (the old package!)
    • offline movie playback: mplayer
    • VoIP: Skype.
  8. Software config tweaks:
    • Put a launcher on the desktop for gnome-terminal with zoom=.7
    • Change all font settings (right-click on desktop, properties-> fonts) from 10 to 8 points
    • Add ServerAliveInterval 240 to $HOME/.ssh/config (to prevent idling out)
    • Fix zsh keybindings:
      • bindkey “\e[A” up-line-or-history
      • bindkey “\e[B” down-line-or-history
      • bindkey “^A” beginning-of-line
      • bindkey “^E” end-of-line
      • bindkey “^?” backward-delete-char
    • fix Firefox backspace button behaviour:
      • surf to about:config
      • change “browser.backspace_action” to 0
    • Skype: fix the sound settings (the defaults are broken since 8.10 apparently) [update: this is still crappy in 9.04, but in a different way. Hope Skype will come out soon with a new version with better sound support]:
      • Incoming Sound: HDA Intel (hw:intel,0)
      • Outgoing Sound: pulse
      • Calling: pulse

Quirks noticed so far:

  • The “mute sound” key sometimes does not mute sound, but it will show the muting/unmuting picture
    [Edit: posted a help-request here]
    [edit2: found out that if you change the sound device to the realtek, the mute will work — until you press another key. Apparently, after that, the sound device setting is forgotten. No workaround yet.]
    [Update: this works in Ubuntu 9.04 out of the box (with Adamm’s kernel)]
  • Received video in skype sometimes stalls a bit (that happens on other systems too) and then suddenly defaults to a tiny window. Doubling the size of this doesn’t matter. Have noticed once that after another stall, the effect disappeared again. Could be related to the feeding webcam “hickuping” the feed, wouldn’t know why though.
  • BIOS update warnings:
    Some of the default settings in the BIOS might get in the way. Example: boot order (not in the BIOS “boot order” menu by the way), webcam (turned off by default. :S).
    Solution: upon upgrading BIOS, check for quirks!
  • Fn-keys: the Fn-F5 also doesn’t work out of the box (it duplicates the effect of the mute key actually, while it ought to be switching displays).
    [Edit: workaround: use xrandr –auto]
  • Non-Eeeebuntu, but still weird:
    The time in Xandros (original OS) is off by 2 hours. Setting time so far did not get me a permanent solution. Changing time in the BIOS did not help (although that used to be off by 2hrs too).
    [Edit: probably caused by the interaction between 2 os’es and the BIOS on my machine. Every time I set time on the one os, it is off on the other os.]


August 22nd, 2008



Wake up & SPORT!

August 20th, 2008

Woohoo! It is 9:00 right now, and I did my sports for today already! Running went especially okay — well, the first 45-50 minutes at least. Since I ran for an hour (as planned), that is really perfect! Am forcing myself right now to have breakfast. After the exertion, my body is not really in the mood for digestion, but it does seem unwise to hazard starting the day without sustenance.

Got a potential holiday / long weekend coming up too, will check on that today. All in all: things could’ve been worse :)

Now playing: Super Paper Mario (Chap 2-4).
Now reading: Walter Moers – Die 13½ Leben des Käpt’n’s Blaubär

And the dance continues…

August 19th, 2008

Okay, after losing my dancing partner I was worried for a bit I would not be dancing next semester. Looks like things will turn out better than that. Nothing set in stone yet, but at least it seems there might still be a girl left in Luxembourg interested in taking a dancing class.

Good, because I really enjoyed that, and I would like to get back to that.

Edit: woohoo! Got my Tango Argentino course booked! Still have to find a nice place for the basic ballroom / latin  dances… old danceschool was okayish, but hmms. Would have to take the initiation course again… sounds silly. Would like to have another basic course to rehash and improve, but the exact same one… hmmms.

Thank you!

August 19th, 2008

Dear friends (I guess this includes just about anyone who reads this),

Thanks a lot for your support. It ment a great deal to me.