Dancing is fun!

Yesterday, I was supposed to have my very first Tango Argentino lesson in Saarbrücken with Maren. So, tickets were bought, and I diligently take the bus (and just so happen to be able to work quite a bit on my thesis, woohoo!). As Tango Argentino starts late, Maren and me take it easy. We get to the university and find our way to the Mensa, where they serve a ridiculously priced meal (cheap does not begin to describe it). It also happens to be a reasonable meal at that :) Exactly what a Mensa should be: cheap and not very bad. Except that their interpretation of cheap makes the Aldi look like 5-star roomservice.

After a nice dinner, we leisurely find our way to the dancing room — located on the opposite side of the university. As neither of us has been there before, we have some fun walking around and finding signs and maps. Eventually, we locate the building (rather obscure), still with plenty of time to spare, and sit down in the lounge area to relax a bit. So far, so good. As the hour of dancing approaches, we make our way to the exercise room, where the previous class is just leaving (and leaves us with the expensive stereo, noting “we actually should stow it, but if there’s another class, we’ll leave it” (sidenote: this stereo happens to have a USB port, much like others I have seen before. I tried it with my MP3 player: no luck. WTF? This is the umpteenth time I am trying that. How come all computers recognise my MP3 player without a hitch, without needing any software update whatsoever, and no stereo/car stereo/other sound device can recognise it? It is fairly standard, you know…</whine>)).

So, Maren and me chat a bit with the other two attendees. Turns out they came here interested, without a partner. Luckily enough for them, the one is male while the other female — they’ve found a partner!

Despite the smalltalk being interesting, we do note the passage of time, and lack of instruction. After a while, Maren decided to investigate and we check the course website. Turns out that the lessons are only at specific dates (basically: every other week), and do not start when the course starts.

I kid you not. The course started yesterday, the first lesson however will be next week.

Actually, this ment that we could go to Maren’s place early and talk a bit and sleep a bit more than expected. All in all, a good turn of events in my book. Made me happy. So: dancing is fun, now I’m curious about dancing lessons ;)

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