Archive for the ‘gaming’ Category

A gamey Sinterklaas

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

Sinterklaas happened, as it does every year, and it was a grand event in our family (as always). It is getting harder and harder to find each other gifts. Part of this is that everyone has a regular job now, and they’ll buy the stuff they want themselves usually. Hobbies can form a pleasant exception to that. Case in point: I like gaming, so there might be a game out there that I like. (I’m not a 100% dedicated, hard-core gamer, but I do enjoy a game now and then.)
Bowser's inside storyThis year, there were a couple like that. I heard about Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box, and also about Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story. Having previously immensely enjoyed Professor Layton and the Curious Village, as well as previous efforts in the “Mario & Luigi” serie (can’t remember which, probably played it at a friend’s), these two were no-brainer addition the the wish-list.
Slight hickup ensued: whereas Layton’s first adventure was multi-lingual (coming in the standard 5-in-1 languages of Nintendo Europe: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian — there’s a nice symbol for it, but my google-fu is weak right now), his second adventure was localised for every country. So the version you get in the Netherlands is only in Dutch, the version in Luxembourg is in French. Seeing as how this game revolves around solving puzzles, doing that in French: nuh-uh! In Dutch, it would be possible, but most likely cringe-inducing. So I needed the UK version… hence it got removed from the list again.
Sinterklaas visited my parents, and it was a wonderful evening (better, somehow, than the last couple of years… my brother went all-out again, was awesome!). I received (amongst others) Bowser’s inside story. Didn’t get round to playing it immediately, but a couple of days later I started.
And now I am writing to you, and I have finished the game. Put in about 33 hours to complete it — the game keeps track of playtime, and I hardly ever reverted to an old save, so I am estimating that that time is close to accurate, except you don’t get to save at the end, so I factored in 1 hour for a failed final battle (revert to save) and another hour or so for a successful one. In roughly 14 days, I spend 33 hours gaming :) wow.

It’s a really good game though, if you’re into the Mario RPG thing.


Friday, July 25th, 2008

it’s just a bad idea. So in short: I went to Germany, it was great. Played Rockband, that game seriously rocks. Wish i could afford the empty pool to have sufficient space to play that ;)

Was seen off on the station by Maren, a couple of hours before she left for Canada. Less than happy. Went to WOTE / PETS workshop and conference. WOTE was very good, and PETS is quite nice too. Enjoyed Leuven so far a bit, plan to do more later. Maren landed safely in Canada and has yet to wrestle a bear. I pity Canadian bears. I gave a rump-session talk, which means I had 5 minutes to explain our current (unfinished) paper. Ran out of time… took too long on slide one (which I drew on the whiteboard, since I was too lazy to actually make slides and ensure that the Eee hooks up nicely to the beamer).

That’s enough backblogging for a Friday morning. Tty’all later! ;)

Gaming galore

Saturday, June 28th, 2008

With Rogier over last weekend, we got round to some gaming. Couldn’t find the exact level that swayed me, but it resembles this one a lot [edit: Well it wasn’t. It was this one :)]. It reminded me once again that Super Mario Galaxy is just an awesome game.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I got to hook my Wii up a bit :)

Too bad Bigben Interactive doesn’t have a Linux/Debian driver for their WiFiMax usb stick… :(

Hoopje Weekend

Monday, March 17th, 2008

Just returned y’day from the Hoopje Weekend 2008. It was really good to see the group again, and to catch up with people. Of course, in such a weekend you never manage to have a good talk with everyone you would like to catch up with. But I did enjoy myself tremendously :)

In a nutshell:

  • There were less games and more whisky for me this time around (although not that much whisky).
  • To me, it’s very nice if people make an effort. Case in point: Bianca baking pancakes for everyone, Sjoerd & Rinske creating a wonderful curry, etc. Not just grand gestures, but also the small things. And I really like that in this group, there is plenty of that going around.
  • Bringing the DS was not really necessary, and there was quite a bit of electronic gaming going on Saturday. That was a natural reaction to being lame, lack of sleep and not bringing a book, I guess :)
  • Being last to go to bed because of a very good chat is cool
  • Being first to wake up then is not really necessary ;)
  • Werewolves of Wakkerdam is a nice game, but can be played easily without the accessories (i.e. the game). That’s of course what happens with role playing games
  • I should pay more attention to the cards I get. Seer != werewolf :)
  • Ghost in the shell still is a cool movie. But not that fast-paced :)


Sunday, February 10th, 2008

Spent some time looking for a way to get the Wii on internet. First attempt: transform the laptop into a wireless access point. Should be do-able, right? Well, not enough nerd-points for that (although I do have enough nintendo stars by now :).

Second option: get a wireless router. Plenty of bonus stuff compared to getting an official Nintendo dongle — the thing is not just limited to supplying internet to nintendo-gear, which is cool for visitors. In the Netherlands, you can find a WiFi router for about 25 euro. In Luxembourg, you can find one for about 50 euro.

Okay, so either I wait ’till I am in the Netherlands again, or I wait ’till I am in the Netherlands again. I am willing to spend a bit more, but not that much more.

During my hunt for a WiFi router, I came across a Nintendo dongle for 30,-. Reasonable price, but limited. But the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. It’s small, compact — I will take a usb-stick with me when moving; dunno about a router. USB stick will fit, no matter what, routers… just don’t know.

So the next day, I happened to be in the neighborhood around closing time. I decided to check, and by cosmic coincidence I made it in time. Took the thing home, and installed it. That was not that easy, but it turned out not to be an official Nintendo dongle, but a WiFiMax by Big Ben. Cool thing is, that this gadget converts my laptop into an access point! So now I have my router — or at least enough of a router for my current purposes.

And I have plenty of Wii Points (virtually no more stars though, but they were deprecating come July, so that’s not too bad. At least they are put to good use!)

Auchan credit

Friday, January 18th, 2008

Close to my work in Luxembourg, there is a supermarket — well, more a French hypermarché. Big does not begin to describe it; it’s gigantic. Humongous. And, in true Dutch fashion, they have a bonus-card-like system. You scan the card, and for some selected products, you get 5% of the price as a debit on the card. On Tuesdays, this is 10% (for most, but not all, products that grant you this). And sometimes there are special offers where you get more money or a larger percentage for a special product.

Over time, with careful planning (shop on Tuesdays! Buy into the hype, buy the products that come with money!), you can accumulate eventually some money.Enough to purchase Zelda: Phantom Hourglass at least :) :) :)

I’ll be trying that out in 3 hrs in the train, most probably :)

Wii got 15,000+ nintendo stars!

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

And, on top of that, wii also have got err… somewhere around 25 stars in Super Mario Galaxy. Which is a cool game. Wii play, on the other hand… well, the tank game is cool. Perhaps some of the others will catch my fancy. Wii sports somehow never makes it in, funny that huh?

As for Wii Boogie: people claimed lack of a stereo sound output was unforgivable for a music game (Guitar Hero III) — well, you wouldn’t believe how damning lack of a decent font is for a karaoke game.

New Year’s Eve was a blast, really enjoyed it a lot. Rogier came round and somehow we ended up DIY’ing all over my room again (and scoring around 25 stars in SMG ;-). Stupid password expiration scheme of the uni chose to go off over the holidays, which means I am now about to go to work (managed to postpone it a bit, indeed). Finally finished checking a chapter for Mel’s thesis, but somehow didn’t get round to mailing it. Another biggie on the todo list. Beyond this, the new year looks fresh right now. Then again, it’s Saturday right now :)

PS: Upon rereading this post, I see that this one really totally fits the tagline of this blog (‘random rambling’) :)

PS: ashamed Happy New Year! (better late than never!)

UPDATE (14 january 2008): Apparently, Stars can be converted to Wii Points on a 4-to-1 basis. It’s not really very advantageous (if I remember correctly, you can also convert them on a 1 euro to 100 points ratio in a store (20 euro == 2,000 points)), but it is an actual, worthwhile use of your stars. Will consider this — but will need to get the Wii on internet first.

Mate, mate!

Sunday, June 17th, 2007

Ghi ghi, I just beat Rogier at chess! :)
For the record, that means that IF he screws up severely in the beginning of the game (sacrificing his queen for a pawn), I manage to just beat him — otherwise he wins.

Still, chess is fun, and a lot more fun if you win :D
Recently: – played: Mario Kart: Double Dash; – watched: Shrek 1, Heroes season 1 end; – read: The Belgariad book 1&2 and The Fionavar Tapestry book 1

M3 works, part 2!

Saturday, March 17th, 2007

So, I finally got around to a bit of gaming again. The M3 works wonders, and I’ve got the most recent photo’s on it — unfortunately, the ordering of directories still sucks :S. There’s a different shell on the DS, which does work. Unfortunately, the integrated Moonshell does not like the JPG’s from my digicam (update: Moonshell v1.71 does, but the photos have a too high resolution :( So you can see, at max zoom-out, a tenth of the picture…). I can fire up the DS with the SD card from my cam in there, but the pics will not be displayed correctly :S

On the other hand: I upgraded the firmware, and the functionality of the M3 increased with leaps and bounds! Stuff that never worked before, is now working smoothly. Nice. Stijn told me about the M3 simply, but I think that given the operational nature of my current gadgetry, I can skip it for now :)

Now GBA’ing: Zelda Minish Cap, Wario Ware. Now DS’ing: just playing around with M3 :). Not cubing atm

M3 works!

Sunday, February 25th, 2007

Thanks to Stijn’s tips, I managed to fiddle enough around with the M3 to get it working in my GBA micro. After I had begun afresh with Zelda … yes, my fresh savegame is now further than the one on the M3. Would’ve been nice to avoid that though.

In other gaming news, seems that there is a nice m3 light thingy out, for quick & easy fun on the DS. Apparently it’s cheap too. Hmms, might consider that… Then again, showing pics with the M3 is cool enough.

Now cubing: LotR: 3rd Age; now GBAing: Zelda Minish Cap; DSing: Bomberman