
it’s just a bad idea. So in short: I went to Germany, it was great. Played Rockband, that game seriously rocks. Wish i could afford the empty pool to have sufficient space to play that ;)

Was seen off on the station by Maren, a couple of hours before she left for Canada. Less than happy. Went to WOTE / PETS workshop and conference. WOTE was very good, and PETS is quite nice too. Enjoyed Leuven so far a bit, plan to do more later. Maren landed safely in Canada and has yet to wrestle a bear. I pity Canadian bears. I gave a rump-session talk, which means I had 5 minutes to explain our current (unfinished) paper. Ran out of time… took too long on slide one (which I drew on the whiteboard, since I was too lazy to actually make slides and ensure that the Eee hooks up nicely to the beamer).

That’s enough backblogging for a Friday morning. Tty’all later! ;)

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