Archive for the ‘in the news’ Category


Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008

Pffft… it seems like I’ve been busy lately. Too many things to write down here (and I am still too busy to get report extensively), but some highlights:

  • I have the honour to serve as General Chair of the upcoming international conference VOTE-ID 2009. The last couple of weeks, we have been active in planning the event
  • A paper got accepted in Japan :), but I am not going :(. The conference is pretty good though, so that is nice.
  • The Dutch government / Minister Rouvoet seems to be a scary person… The government wants to keep track of children in an electronic record. They plan to include details such as pubic hair growth, sexually active status, and a host of other things that are none of their business.
  • I’ve just incorporated an explanation of how to decrypt ciphertexts using a distributed key without reconstructing the key in my thesis. I.e.: work is still progressing. I.e.2: I can make my thesis sound complicated, when I feel like it ;-)
  • Melanie and me are reviewing the EiPSI report on RIES (an internet voting system developed in the Netherlands). Our findings, very succintly: the report has some areas for improvement.
  • Stress comes and goes. Wish it wasn’t all coming now. Can’t be helped, will have to make the best of it.

Okay, now you’re up to date a bit. See you, and if not before the holiday season: happy holidays!

Web-TV: don’t miss it!

Wednesday, July 16th, 2008

logoFor those of you who enjoy the creative output of Joss Whedon (of Buffy / Angel / Firefly fame), his latest project is up. Right now. Up. Up as in available for free on the web. Available for free as in HE IS ACTUALLY GIVING HIS STUFF AWAY RIGHT NOW.

Offer valid from now until coming Sunday.

So what is happening? Episode 1/3 was released this Tuesday, episode 2/3 is due tomorrow and, horror of horrors, episode 3 I will miss. Anyway, go check it out if you at all liked Buffy and/or Firefly, and are not afraid of singing entertainment.

Sidenote: if the usual result of a writer’s strike in hollywood is Joss Whedon becoming so bored, he goes about creating this sort of stuff and then gives it away for free, let’s make sure there are more strikes ;)

Edit: for more promo-power, view the official thingy-ma-linky-me-postery-promo-gizmo on the left hand side.

Downloading *is* illegal in .nl, says judge

Friday, June 27th, 2008

See the verdict (dutch). Will have to think about the implications a bit, especially its impact on DRM systems (one of my research hobbies).

In other news: Things are going swell, Anke & Rogier came by (was much fun), Bras & Diana are mom&dad (though not in that order) and I’ll be taking the afternoon off to relax a bit :)

George Lucas would take his hat off

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

For the last couple of months, the Netherlands (or at least media attention there) has been enthralled by the announcement of one politician to become a movie director. What makes a good politician is a highly debatable and subjective topic. But let’s ‘fess up to facts: Wilders’ public statements, however much they may be frowned upon by part of the populace, reach into the hearts of another part of that populace.

(note for the sarcastically challenged: this part with an extra left margin, is a blatant, albeit haphazard, attempt at witticisms and entertainment, having little to do with reality.)
It’s realisations like that which do evoke feelings of detachement with my previous nation of residence after having displaced myself sufficiently far away. Unfortunately, the world is not populated by people who have the good taste to share my opinion. To add insult to injury, for some reason not all of them are dutifully dismayed by their lack of decent opinions. And a vocal minority — in the reality I inhabit, this is by necessity a minority — even portrays the audacity of speaking out the deviating and worrisome products of their non-conformant minds.

Undeniably, Wilders has found an audience to which he caters well. This alone indicates his proficiency in a certain area — whether or not to label this as ‘politics’ is a topic I shall not dwell on now. What I will address, is his dabbling into directing. Or, more specifically: his alleged, hypothetical dabbling into directing.

So, for those of you who have been living under a rock or in America (which might amount to the same thing, but that’s a topic for another post :), or both, a short synopsis of the events that are unfolding. Mr. Geert Wilders is a Dutch politician, formerly part of the Democratic Party. He parted ways with that party after repeated remarks on his side that the party deemed inappropriate. Most of these remarks involved immigrant policy. He then began his own party, and come election time, garnered quite a number of votes. Ever since his departure from the Democratic party, his remarks on immigrants steadily progressed to a point where he now is the Netherlands foremost anti-islamic activist. To further his views, he took it upon himself to create a movie which would unveil the Koran for the fascistic work he holds it to be.

His plans became public knowledge (as I understand it, through no plan of his own, but because the Dutch Prime minister leaked them. In my view, this underlines (once again) the fact that the Dutch Prime minister is unfit for this job). This resulted in a hype which makes the hype surrounding Episode 1 seem like another news report of the 100th birthday of some old geezer.

And, as if the resulting media storm in the Netherlands and in Europe is not sufficient, the news has made its way to Islamic countries. To be sure there are no misunderstandings: the news that a movie will be made. This news resulted in riots in islamic countries, outrage by islamic politicians, diplomatic pressure on the Netherlands to ban the movie before it exists, strained relations with several islamic countries, talks at the highest level in NATO, top-meetings with Australians (as their military aid is working in close proximity to the Dutch military aid to Afghanistan), etc. etc. etc.

All this turmoil and upheaval. All for a movie that does not exist yet. George Lucas must be green with envy.

Let’s take a moment to make my position clear on this: I wholeheartedly disagree with mr. Wilders’ public statements on ethnics and the islam. I find them rather abhorrent, and they leave an ill impression of his character with me. Be that as it may, this does not rob him of his right to make abhorrent statements — as far as allowed by the law.I will not address whether the law is insufficient in this case.

The hype has so far produced two questionable results: first, in the “western” world, discussions are on-going on whether or not to forbid this movie — which is still a hypothetical piece! Pro-active, a priori censorship is something I do not equate with a free, tolerant and open democracy.

Secondly, in the islamic world, the reactions have been equally heavy-handed. People adhering to Islamic faith are wonderfully complementing the dire message of mr. Wilders by rioting, threats, diplomacy issues, etc. They seem to be going out of their way to outline, emphasize and shout mr. Wilders’ point. It hilariously saddens me to perceive that the best way mr. Wilders can attempt to illustrate his case is to let the general outrage over his movie run its course, occasionally feed it with another scrap, and never have an actual movie.

I fear less a society where I am confronted with views deviating strongly from my own, than fearing a society which suppresses the inception of a potentially deviating view. Do not fear Wilders, his movie or his message. Fear ignorance unhampered by restraint, untempered by deliberation.

Update: Not the best movie about the Quran ever made is online now.


Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008

Finally (although rather late), Dutch universities will require some teaching qualifications of their teachers. The situation used to be such, that to be a teacher in the Netherlands, you needed a special diploma. Different ones for teaching toddlers (4-6 year olds), for primary school (6-12), and a variety for highschool depending on the level and the age group of the children (12-16/18). But then, to teach university students — incidentally, the highest education you can partake in in the Netherlands — no educational qualifications were required. Teaching is / was a duty bestowed on the University research personnel. Now arguments can be made for such a situation, but case in point is that even someone teaching toddlers has/had to have vastly superior educational qualification than those teaching the pinnacle of our society.

Now the rectores magnifici of the Dutch universities have signed an agreement on this. There will be a 200 hour study program which results in a “BKO” certificate. And apparently, they want to create possibilities for excellent teachers to further their careers — unheard of, so far the only way up at a university is research. Interesting times ahead, but all in all I am at least glad that we will have some teaching requirements for those who teach our finest.

Currently playing: Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, New Super Mario Bros (the minigames).

Make the world better!

Monday, November 12th, 2007

Help end world hunger and improve your English at the same time. Cool, not? It’s possible. Check, play the game and start helping out!

In addition, you can also see a list of countries working to fight poverty and hunger:

As the chart above shows, five countries have already met the goal to give 0.7% of their income in international aid: Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.


Sometimes being Dutch and living in Luxembourg can just make you feel good.

PS: proud achiever of level 37 in that game! How well are you doing?

Doing good, feeling better

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007

What did you think about BNN‘s hoax?

I absolutely loved it! Beforehand I talked with some people about it, and although I shared their negative view of such a show, I remembered that BNN had an outstanding track-record when it comes to television in such sensitive areas (well, at least that’s what I perceived).

And, in my view, the upheaval they caused was A Good Thing(tm). Mind you, BNN’s founder Bart de Graaff did die from kidney failure after a protracted, year-long struggle, so BNN has a special link to organ donation.

Well anyway, I decided it was time to (once again*) register myself as a donor, and also immediately become a member of BNN. Any tv channel capable of producing such a hoax, and have all in all a wayward way of shouting a message that needs to be heard should be supported. But that’s just my view.

* I received a letter from the government when I turned 18, requesting my preferences with respect to organ donation. I dutifully filled it in and sent it back, but I never had the impression that this was a good way to store my preferences.