Doing good, feeling better

What did you think about BNN‘s hoax?

I absolutely loved it! Beforehand I talked with some people about it, and although I shared their negative view of such a show, I remembered that BNN had an outstanding track-record when it comes to television in such sensitive areas (well, at least that’s what I perceived).

And, in my view, the upheaval they caused was A Good Thing(tm). Mind you, BNN’s founder Bart de Graaff did die from kidney failure after a protracted, year-long struggle, so BNN has a special link to organ donation.

Well anyway, I decided it was time to (once again*) register myself as a donor, and also immediately become a member of BNN. Any tv channel capable of producing such a hoax, and have all in all a wayward way of shouting a message that needs to be heard should be supported. But that’s just my view.

* I received a letter from the government when I turned 18, requesting my preferences with respect to organ donation. I dutifully filled it in and sent it back, but I never had the impression that this was a good way to store my preferences.

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