Archive for the ‘sports’ Category

Ran again!

Sunday, February 3rd, 2008

Finally, I managed to get my sporty rhythm back. Or at least, the barest remnants of it were uncovered once more in the deep cavities of my memories. In the beginning, I discovered a flaw (do not drink fruit juice prior to running), and an obstacle (moderate counter wind has a far stronger influence than previously anticipated). Thankfully, the latter was mitigated by altering the course from the open fields to running into the residential area. This also had an ameliorating effect on the former. Stark ignorance of the issue complemented the remedial approach applied towards the former. On the whole, this proved to be sufficient, if not totally satisfactory. Upon arriving at my abode, the complete absence of wind made me feel ballsy, and I decided to prolong the endeavour a bit further. However, upon completing extension one (the possibility of a further extension was present), I happened upon a co-inhabitant of my residence, waiting for the bus. I stopped for a short talk and discovered my co-inhabitant was in the process of moving out, so instead of swiftly continuing, I called an end to my route and waved her off.

All in all, a 34 minute run. Could’ve been slightly better, but given the feeling after 14 minutes, slightly amazing I made it further. The new knee support might have had a positive influence here too :)

On y cour!

Sunday, August 26th, 2007

Ran again this morning, and, as planned, tried the extension. Not completely, thought I had gained (or lost?) enough time to take a short-cut to my route. Think again… so I ended up exploring some extra pathways in the park. In the end, it sufficed, but next time I might reconsider my “raccourci” (shortcut).

But, overall, this is nice and if I can keep this up, I will have found a way to do some sports here in Luxembourg. So, it’s Sunday morning, not even 11 yet, and already I am pleased :)

Running can be fun!

Thursday, August 23rd, 2007

Ran a bit today. It was the first time I used the second knee band I had bought recently, and it’s a whole lot better than the old one. Both work marvelously, seeing how I did not experience any ill effects at all. Normally, I would feel my knees a bit after running for this amount of time. So that’s cool. Next plan: extend the round a bit (already know how: in the beginning, I’ll go through Parc Tony Neumann) and acquire another knee band (as the new stuff outstrips the old — it’s rather inconvenient when the knee band starts sliding down during the running).

And the nice part is that I didn’t even miss my mp3-player (this time). I do want it back eventually though :)
Last seen: coupling (ep. 1.3, 1.4 — INFERNO!! :); The Simpsons Movie.

Bike inauguration

Monday, July 16th, 2007

Yesterday we had a slight celebration to inaugurate the fact that each member of the SaToSS group is now proud owner of a bike. We did this in style, by having a small(ish) bike tour. Target of this tour was Echternach, mainly due to the fact we all pass a sign every day on our way to work saying “Piste cyclable à Echternach“. Due to packing his house, Sjouke could not attend, and due to perceived lack of aptitude in his bike, Pieter opted out.

We agreed to start from the office at 13:00. So, at 13:30, Baptiste and me arrived at the house of the Swiss guy (weren’t Swiss people known for making clocks that run on time??), and slightly later, we commenced our quest. By car, the distance between Luxembourg and Echternach is about 33 km. Since bike traffic is much friendlier on nature, and much more versatile, a bike road can be much more direct.

“Can” being the operative word there. Piste cyclable 2 (as the route is called — yes, that indicates that Luxembourg has a scarily low number of bike roads) has a length from start to finish of 39 km. And it starts at the end of Kirchberg — the far end of Luxembourg. So, all in all we biked a bit more:

To Echternach To Luxembourg
Avg spd: 21.2 km/hr 20.0 km/hr
distance 47.42 km 46.54 km
time 2:13:51 2:19:22
max spd: 58.6 km/hr 58.6 km/hr

The way back was indeed quite more harsh. We were all less fresh, and more saddle-sore. Moreover, the long road started taking its toll: Baptiste’s bike began making funny sounds due to a weird dent in the rear tire (not the wheel, the tire), Sasa was starting to ache just about anywhere, and my brakes started complaining. Nevertheless, it is a nice road, and Echternach is a cute town to visit.


Saturday, May 19th, 2007

at the start’nuff said.

Oh dear, you’re dead.

Saturday, May 19th, 2007

The plan was to have some visitors over for the Ascencion Day holidays. Since I was in the Netherlands before that anyway, the plan was to all travel to .lu together. Well, there was a slight problem with getting the car we had rented, which through some convoluted but amazingly funny reasoning we managed to turn into a “let’s visit Walibi Flevo today”. So we did, and it was fun — as you can see on the picture :) (top to bottom: Marek (slightly relaxed), Ania (enjoying herself), me (pondering), Klaus (having a blast))

The reason for visiting Walibi was that they had a special discount and extended opening hours. Even though we left at 4 (pm), we managed to do all the roller coasters in the park and even check out the fireworks! Of course, by the time we got back to Eindhoven, it was a bit late to pack everything and continue to Luxembourg, so we went for a short sleep instead. (Incidentally, turns out that I was not the only one who didn’t sleep brilliantly that night. Can’t win ’em all :)

Next morning, redo from start. I.e. start with a nice meal — breakfast this time, not lunch — and then pack and go. Well, I was up early anyway, so I went to get some bread for breakfast. Got back, and then realised that we didn’t have all that much breakfasty stuff. So went back to the store again, and got some more supplies. Came back, we had a nice breakfast (the fresh bread was brilliant!) and then got round to packing. Realised I was missing batteries, which were sorely needed for use with the mp3-player.

Incidentally, if you have a TuneCast or iCast or whatever thingy that converts your mp3 player into a short distance radio station: from Eindhoven until a bit past Luik/Liege, FM 91.8 is available (with incidental hickups, but nothing substantial). After Liege you enter the range of some Luxembourgian station, I have yet to find out which channel works then, although I think somewhere near 107 FM there is something which lasts the rest of the way.

But to continue, I went back to the store for the third time that morning, got my batteries and we got going. Sjouke graciously lended us his apartment, which is very much appreciated since 4 people would be quite a squeeze in mine :)
We installed ourselves there, had a slight miscommunication then which led to us having pasta there (with fruit and boiled in milk, tastes quite different from your regular pasta, but nice), and then went for the dreaded registration and pasta party. Afterwards Ania felt like checking the route — an activity which had a profound distressing effect on my mood. Luckily, as Petr’s tile says,

There is no problem so big that chocolate cannot cure it.

So afterwards I o.d.’ed on chocolate, which lifted my spirits to a new height. So now I am looking forward to this thing again. Will let you know afterwards (eventually) how it went… For now, cross your fingers!

Short update

Thursday, April 19th, 2007

View during hikeBeen kind of busy lately. After the bike tour on Saturday, Sjouke, Baptiste and me went for a hiking tour in Little Swiss (photos, route description+map+elevation chart). Baptiste had found this site detailing nice walks. We walked for about 6 hours :) Well, it was quite a challenging road at times. But it was a very nice day for a walk, and we did have a very nice picnic after a third of the way. Still, perhaps wine is not the best option if you’re still going to be marching some distance…

Tuesday, Baptiste & me went to attend Die Dreigroschenoper — hadn’t heard of it before myself either. Following a musical in a foreign language (German) is hard. It’s even harder if they switch sometimes to another foreign language (French) — in mid-dialog. Yes they do. They will be talking with four people, and three of them are German speakers, but if they talk to the fourth, out comes the French. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem attached to a specific role or person on stage — characters who were addressed in French previously, were suddenly speaking German…
But anyway, nice to see once, but not brilliant.

That’s it for now, talk to you all later.
Running: today: ouch. Gaming: not at all. Cooking: y’day: tomato soup; today: hutspot(?). Music: Clannad – I will find you.


Saturday, April 14th, 2007

Running is gradually becoming more and more easy. Wednesday I pushed it too far, but to my own surprise I recuperated quickly. Still, with all the hills here, I am taking it a notch down — better safe than sorry! Ran a bit on Friday here, and that went down smoothly.
Recent dinners: Cheese fondue (yum!), boerenkool with Bretonnish dessert (yum!!)

Nice :)

Monday, April 9th, 2007

Two fun things occurred:

  1. I had fun on a seesaw. With only one other person on the seesaw. While the seesaw was in sort of balance.
    (to me, that’s a new experience)
  2. Running is going well. Managed 6×2, 5 sessions. First time I actually felt myself working for it (instead of just my knees working for it, I mean)

Well, let’s see what the rest of this lovely Easter Monday brings :)
Last gamed: Zelda: Minish Cap