Ran again!

Finally, I managed to get my sporty rhythm back. Or at least, the barest remnants of it were uncovered once more in the deep cavities of my memories. In the beginning, I discovered a flaw (do not drink fruit juice prior to running), and an obstacle (moderate counter wind has a far stronger influence than previously anticipated). Thankfully, the latter was mitigated by altering the course from the open fields to running into the residential area. This also had an ameliorating effect on the former. Stark ignorance of the issue complemented the remedial approach applied towards the former. On the whole, this proved to be sufficient, if not totally satisfactory. Upon arriving at my abode, the complete absence of wind made me feel ballsy, and I decided to prolong the endeavour a bit further. However, upon completing extension one (the possibility of a further extension was present), I happened upon a co-inhabitant of my residence, waiting for the bus. I stopped for a short talk and discovered my co-inhabitant was in the process of moving out, so instead of swiftly continuing, I called an end to my route and waved her off.

All in all, a 34 minute run. Could’ve been slightly better, but given the feeling after 14 minutes, slightly amazing I made it further. The new knee support might have had a positive influence here too :)

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