1 year of Bourg

I have already been living here a full year… so much has happened, and yet time seems to have passed so quickly. It has been a wonderful year, start-to-finish (and nicely coinciding with Chinese New Year). Some things have still to be taken care of (kitchen cabinets…), some other things went so smoothly I don’t even remember spending time on them. I have enjoyed visits by many, and hope that in the coming year more of you will stop by. I’ve been learning quite a bit here, and enjoyed the work, the environment and the change of scenery. I will not say “it was all for the best”, for that would imply a ranking between the previous situation and the current one, but I have no regrets.

If you are interested to see what has transpired the last year, you can check the archive of course. There are too many highlights to start to list, and every time I reminisce a different set of memories stand out. I am looking forward to the new year with anticipation. If it is anything like last year, it’ll be gooooood.

Slight reminder to all of you vaguely planning to visit: countdown has started! I will be in Luxembourg for another 11 months. After that, currently all bets are off (as in: dunno how things go and where I will be living then).

Thanks to all for making last year so great and the transition to Luxembourg so pleasant.

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