How to fix a Unity crash

Ubuntu logoDue to some nefarious use of my computer by me myself and I (unplugging a monitor and closing the lid in some order), something weird happened with the display. All the window decoration was gone. No keyboard shortcuts, no menubar, not top bar, nothing.

Menu and top bar and window decoration are handled by Unity. And indeed, this turned out to be a Unity problem. The solution was to re-enable Unity and then re-enable the “desktop wall”.

  1. Open a terminal, e.g. by opening a folder, surfing to /usr/bin and double-clicking gnome-terminal
  2. enter ccsm to start the CompizConfig-Settings-Manager
  3. Search for “unity plugin” and enable it.
    A few warnings pop up, agree to them all

After a bit of processing, you should now have a menu bar, a top bar, and decoration on windows (such as close buttons).
Ctrl+Alt+Arrow might not work yet. To enable it:

  1. Still in ccsm: search for “desktop wall” and enable it.

With help from:

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