Archive for the ‘gaming’ Category

M3 might work again?

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

So, I have an M3 adapter for the GBA, which allowed me to show everyone pictures on my micro (which, incidentally, is the main thing I have been using it for. It’s just too flashy for me to withstand it, I just have to show off ;-). The M3 stopped booting about 2 months ago, but since I hadn’t been using it so often, fixing it or getting it repaired sort of slipped my mind. Well, luckily enough Stijn found this link, which explains a solution and then also what the problem could be: apparently the PCB inside the M3 can move around just enough to cease functioning :(

Well, I will definitely try this (unfortunately I have my M3 in Lux and am in Ehv atm, so I will have to wait a bit).

Illegal games for the GBA?!?!

Monday, February 5th, 2007

Just got off the phone with Nintendo tech support concerning my recently acquired copy of Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World. The game didn’t retain its saves after shutting down the computer. Sounds like a battery problem, right? Well, it turns out that SMA2 has a solid-state save memory, so no batteries required. There are apparently quite a number of illegal copies of it out there, which do use a battery. Boohoohoo, I probably have a non-official version of the game.

I even have the box in which it came :S Aaah well, this means I’ll just have to get by without saving (or without shutting down the DS Lite / GBA Micro).

LotR 3rd Age

Sunday, February 4th, 2007

Wow, I have been seriously getting my gaming time since moving to .lu. Not that it’s all that boring here — haven’t exactly found that out yet at any rate. But Mark came over, and we happened to fire up LotR 3rd age. The game sucked us both in, even though Mark had already finished it before. We managed to stop playing eventually, but light was about to creep up on us.

Well, Mark, to put you at ease: I just finished off the Balrog. A day later than planned, I know, but y’day I filled mostly with having fun and meeting people. Today is my lazy day, and so far the only thing not noticing that is the progress I am booking with this game :)

Verdi runs departed drinks…

Monday, January 29th, 2007

But first things first, let’s start to mention that Friday was “kei-goed”, did some nice shopping for .lu together with Ronald. Found myself a small spare bike, so all of you who are coming over once: you’ll have some transportation!

But anyway: after dinner (yes, I can mess up rice :) (nonetheless it still all tasted nice, and the dessert was cool) it turned out that Ronald did have some drinks with alcohol in them left… well, not anymore :) So the next day started out slow — woke up, gamed a bit on my newly acquired LotR: 3rd Age (cool gamecube game, I have been meaning to get that for ages, found it together with Ronald for an affordable price) and then went on to more active things.

In the evening, after a lovely dinner, me and Ania went to Verdi’s Requiem — impressive. Got back just after the start of Running Man, which is ok as far as Schwarzenegger movies go. And it ended just in time for us to catch The Departed in the cinema :) That was a cool movie. The night ended with chatting a bit and a taste of some russian drinks (after we managed to get the annoying bottle cap removed, it turned out that the drink wasn’t worthy of that effort… the company however, more than made up for that :)

Sunday I just checked out LotR: 3rd Age a bit (still cool!), Super Mario World (saving is broken in my copy :() and went to see Bro. We had a nice improvised dinner (greek yoghurt works very well as a sour cream replacement :), tried to check out a movie but were to tired. We got to 00:38 of resevoir dogs — further than any of us two had ever seen it before :)

And that definitely is enough for now.

Nintendo fanboy alert

Saturday, January 27th, 2007

Okay, got my gaming vibe on, and scrounging the Net and the shops for stuff. Found a wonderful deal on concerning the wireless controllers for the gamecube — so bought 2. For reasons unknown to mankind in general, Play ships these seperately (even though I ordered them together), but maybe the next one will be in time for my move. Would be cool.

More gaming vibes: found super mario world for the GBA on ebay. Woohoo! Now my proud collection of GBA games includes Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Wario Ware and Yoshi’s Universal Gravitation. Actually, that comprises the entirety of my proud collection :) But anyway, I really like SMB3 and SMW, and now I have them for the long journeys to and fro.

Final gaming vibe: found a (used) copy of “Lord of the Rings: The Third Age” yesterday at Replay. I’ve been wondering on and off whether or not to ebay this game, but for this price I couldn’t resist. Just played the first tutorial of the game… wow, impressive. Hope I get round to enjoying it :)

PS: also found a Zelda minish cap on offer on ebay… bought it, let’s hope this one arrives soon too.