Archive for the ‘luxembourg’ Category

Weeking work

Friday, September 7th, 2007

So, what’s been happening here:

  • I reconfirmed my status as “The Hooded Man” (shot twice again all in yellow)
    Sasa hit all yellow once, thus bringing me only a short 3 lots away from the elusive prize!!Hooded Man wins tiger
  • The WISSec workshop is gaining momentum and seems to be going swell
  • The absurd style of Tim Burton strengthens the absurd story of Roald Dahl (yes, I watched Charly and the Chocolate Factory once again)
  • I’ve been using the blender to make soups. All the kitchen stuff the Hoopje people got me for my 28th birthday is finally being used — and thanks again! It’s all excellent equipment (I love the knives! They hate me, but I love them despite their semi-lethal attempts at injuring me)
    And you can easily vary endlessly with soups :) Tomato soup works brilliantly with ginger, but also with red wine (caution: not both at the same time! :)
  • Running twice a week might actually work out. So far so good at least.
  • Got a paper (provisionally) accepted, so that seems nice.

Greetz from ‘Bourg!

We have… a winner!!!

Saturday, September 1st, 2007

Last night, Rogier and me went to the funfair in Luxembourg. It was unbelievable. Rogier won every game he tried. He won with throwing rings (mp3 player), with a horse race (the champagne) and he even shot a line in a shooting stand (the digital video camera — yes, you read that right, he won a digital video camera). We / he won the champagne last, and we used it to celebrate the rest :)

Ow, and (with a bit of leeway from the guy) I managed to hit my 3rd “all in yellow” at the archery stand. But Rogier is definitely the sharpshooter of the two of us, given that he shot down the camera with the last bullet.

Hugo ‘Hood’ signing off :)
ps: check out Rogier’s first movie with the cam!

Party the third

Friday, August 31st, 2007

Yesterday evening I threw a small party to celebrate (once again) my birthday. This was prompted because the people I would like to celebrate my birthday with do not exactly live in the same area. Ghi, in retrospect, I twice invited people for dinner and once just had a party. Anyway, yesterday’s party was really nice, and I felt once again a bit like it was my birthday. So that was cool. And doing the dishes is fun, especially given the right people and the right music :)

On y cour!

Sunday, August 26th, 2007

Ran again this morning, and, as planned, tried the extension. Not completely, thought I had gained (or lost?) enough time to take a short-cut to my route. Think again… so I ended up exploring some extra pathways in the park. In the end, it sufficed, but next time I might reconsider my “raccourci” (shortcut).

But, overall, this is nice and if I can keep this up, I will have found a way to do some sports here in Luxembourg. So, it’s Sunday morning, not even 11 yet, and already I am pleased :)


Saturday, August 25th, 2007

Mr. and Mrs. De Mooij visited me yesterday and today. Naturally, we walked around the city. Slight difference: this time I tried the “green city” tour, and it worked brilliantly. Slight hickup in Pfaffental, but I’m sure I’ll get the kinks worked out by next time (more precisely: I expect the kinks / paths undergoing reconstruction to be reconstructed next time). Somehow, everything came together for this visit, and we saw and did just about everything I wanted to :)

Two highlights: we checked the schueberfouer (funfair). There are a lot of stall with shooting… phewee. Plenty of PS3s/Wii’s to be wun — if you manage to shoot the impossible. Naturally, we didn’t try. We did try a machine called the “take off”, which turned out pretty cool, the giant wheel, offering a nice view of the funfair (well, the rest of Lux was rather dark, so it wasn’t all that exciting), some gambling machines (we lost — even at the gigantic crane, which is fun to do, but hopeless to win at :) and also tried some bowshooting. More on the bows later :)

The next morning, after brunch, we went for a short hike in Little Suisse. We drove to Berdorf, and began on route B2. Now as soon as you hit the forest, you are bombarded with signs pointing out nice viewpoints. We checked most of them, and consequently didn’t really progress very quickly. It was quite adventurous, and wonderful to behold once more. A little further down on the route, we discovered a climber’s paradise. So all I now need, is my climbing gear here, a crash course in outdoor climbing, and a sizable length of rope. Oh, and to make matters more challenging: magnesium is disallowed there. Pffffft. Well anyway,  something to keep in the back of my mind.

So, back to the bow shooting gallery… I like it!! I turn out to be left-handed at bow shooting (and writing, but that I already knew). Weird, I believe the last couple of times I shot, I shot with a right-handed bow. But this time, it just felt wrong. I did try once later on, but it sucked just a bit more than left (well, not that I am that lousy at these short ranges, but still, noticable deterioration of skill). Today, after the hike, we had the “Limpertsberg” tour (campus uni, church) and then visited the bowshooting once again. And, coolness beyond cool, I had the maximum! Woohooh!! Rocking rock rock!!

Okay, scoring maximum just means all arrows in the yellow, and the distance is maybe about 5 meters (or 10, I’m better at shooting arrows than at guessing distances ;-), but still. It’s the max score, and you get 6 points for max score whilst even only 1 point below that gets you 2 points (which can be exchanged for prizes)… so that’s still nice eeh? Of course, now I plan to go showing off to all visitors ;-)

Luxembourg is OKAY :)

Friday, August 24th, 2007

What can I say? Except for (or It’s a carnival (or funfair)/kermis/fête foraine. And almost like I’ve seen before. Except: just a tad more Luxembourgian at that :) That means: slightly bigger than you’d except at first, and vastly more people than I would expect. I just visited opening night. Now I realise that it’s holiday time here in Luxembourg, so it’s not so strange that there are some people. But there are not just “some” people — it seems more like there might be some Luxembourgians not. Or, better: not yet.

And the setup is also typically Luxembourgian: many foodstalls, big drinkstalls, and there are some shop-stalls on the side. Quite unlike what I am used to, but I do appreciate it quite a lot. Kind of curious how my visitors will feel about it (4 visits planned during the Schueberfouer so far). Will let you know!

PS: Just found the Wiki page for the funfair. Dunno if all that stuff still holds, but free access for merchants anywhere… no taxes… sounds cool for them. And they’re expecting 2 million people this year — wow. Well, I’ll be doing my best to make that number a reality ;-)

Love is in the air

Monday, July 23rd, 2007

Thirst things first :-)


They got married last Thursday, and gave a splendid party. Barbara was beautiful in her wedding gown, and Michiel was also radiant.

Having said that, what has happened the past few days? Lessee… Well, after the bike trip my bike squeaked a bit — not too bad, but still. Worse was that the rear tyre had a leak. Apparently a small one (the kind I really hate, because it’s incredibly hard to find and I am not that good at repairing leaking tyres anyway). On top of that, the profile of both the front and the rear tyre was roughly, well, gone. So, instead of working at it myself, I decided to get the bike repaired. Pieter found a bike repair shop in Luxembourg on the Net, and it turned out to be the one I had spotted once and was already considering :)

I took that as a sign, and so my bike is having a holiday there now. It may deserve that, but then, so do I, so I am in Zurich right now. Last visit was really nice, but a bit short, so here I am, a bit longer in Zurich, spending my time typing these words ;)

Yes, I’ll stop in a minute. Final updates: we (SaToSS-youth we, i.e. Pieter, Baptiste, Sasa and me) have had some fun over the last few days. We saw a few movies (Die Hard 4.0 — like the previous ones, but more over the top. Somewhat entertaining, but a bit too much over the top; Harry Potter 5 — Best movie of the series, but that’s because the previous movies all fail at certain points with respect to the books. Book 5 is easily the worst of the bunch, so that’s harder to mess up. But fair’s fair: it’s a nice movie, and it is the best of the series.) and had an icecream at Cafe Veneziano. There was one waitress there, whose appearance caught the eye of one member of our petite group sufficiently to ensure a pleasant conversational topic within our group for the rest of our stay.

To finish how I started this post: congratulations also to Cas & Yen-Ha with their new prodigy: Nathalie Rose Cremers; and congratulations and all the best to Sasa and Laura, who just announced their happy circumstances as well.
Last movie seen: Transformers; short evaluation: don’t go.

Bike inauguration

Monday, July 16th, 2007

Yesterday we had a slight celebration to inaugurate the fact that each member of the SaToSS group is now proud owner of a bike. We did this in style, by having a small(ish) bike tour. Target of this tour was Echternach, mainly due to the fact we all pass a sign every day on our way to work saying “Piste cyclable à Echternach“. Due to packing his house, Sjouke could not attend, and due to perceived lack of aptitude in his bike, Pieter opted out.

We agreed to start from the office at 13:00. So, at 13:30, Baptiste and me arrived at the house of the Swiss guy (weren’t Swiss people known for making clocks that run on time??), and slightly later, we commenced our quest. By car, the distance between Luxembourg and Echternach is about 33 km. Since bike traffic is much friendlier on nature, and much more versatile, a bike road can be much more direct.

“Can” being the operative word there. Piste cyclable 2 (as the route is called — yes, that indicates that Luxembourg has a scarily low number of bike roads) has a length from start to finish of 39 km. And it starts at the end of Kirchberg — the far end of Luxembourg. So, all in all we biked a bit more:

To Echternach To Luxembourg
Avg spd: 21.2 km/hr 20.0 km/hr
distance 47.42 km 46.54 km
time 2:13:51 2:19:22
max spd: 58.6 km/hr 58.6 km/hr

The way back was indeed quite more harsh. We were all less fresh, and more saddle-sore. Moreover, the long road started taking its toll: Baptiste’s bike began making funny sounds due to a weird dent in the rear tire (not the wheel, the tire), Sasa was starting to ache just about anywhere, and my brakes started complaining. Nevertheless, it is a nice road, and Echternach is a cute town to visit.

Partying en Luxembourg!

Saturday, July 14th, 2007

The academic year in Luxembourg has ended. This of course means that it is time for a party! The Luxembourg University Students association organised the official end-of-year party of the University. It happened to be on our doorstep (campus Kirchberg), so of course we went, and we had a spectacularly wonderful time. There was music, Sasa & beer, barbecued sausages, Sasa & beer, fun with Daniel & Tessa, Sasa & beer, evaluating the dancing studentes, Sasa & beer, talking to Ragga, Sasa & beer, dancing with Ragga, foosball, more dancing. Did I mention Sasa & beer? Thought I did :)

Well, the dancing proved to be more than successful, so we decided to repeat the same thing on Friday evening. There just so happened to be a party at the Coq — that is about 200 meters further than Thursday’s party :) Well, I came by a little late — had a nice evening admiring Sjouke’s new home, and having a cheese fondue which started delicious with his family (too bad that in reheating, the children’s fondue was burned. Luckily dessert consisted of chocolate fondue, which made up for it :). When I came, the party was underway, but we immediately jumped into the headbanging rockiness that was a covered version of AC/CD’s Big Gun. Done almost okay — which might explain the empty field of grass in front of the main stage. This gave us of course plenty of space to jump and goof around, and we did, with verve! Later we checked the RnB stage as well. There were more people doing audacious moves to the happening grooves there, but still, we were vogueing with the best of ’em. Last stage to check out was the dance stage, which had by then toned down a notch. That was a shame, ’cause I am more into upbeat trance. So seemed the rest of the crowd, actually.

We had some fun after the party ended with finishing our drink-coupons. I still had all of them left when the music died down, so we quickly went for some drinks. Of course, the drink that would finish my (substantial) portion of the tickets was only good with ice cubes in there, and since the ice cubes were gone, they could not sell it. The Luxembourgian girl in front of me in the line advised me some wodka orange, which also dwindled down my supply of tickets, but did little in the way of alcohol. Still, two coupons left — not enough for anything, but close. Upon mentioning this, Pieter first suggested some tricks to get more tickets, and then suddenly pointed, bent over and picked up 2 more tickets. Back to the cocktail stand it was. Well, they couldn’t supply me with Sangria, so I asked for anything alcoholic for four tickets. The bar personnel exchanged a quick glance, nodded approval and then continued to pour me a .3 l glass for 3/4ths full of tequila, with a dash of orange juice for colouring.

Wtf?? I just spent 6 coupons on a weak wodka! This was hilarious :D

Well anyway, after that we went to get the bikes to go to the Muko Muko. Pieter had lost his key, so he had to walk home and didn’t join for the Muko, but Baptiste and me explored this disco. Entry is frigging expensive (9 euros), and music tends a lot towards Latin. So, not too sure if I’ll revisit that venue all that soon. But, there’s the other disco near Grund, which is still on the list. Anyway, tonight it’s Hollerich, and after this weekend all of you visiting will have the benefit of me knowing for sure where the best parties in Luxembourg are. Which so far is the special events they hold — those are way cooler than disco’s/pubs so far.
Recently seen: Live free or Die Hard (Die Hard 4.0) — mwah.

Bro’s visit

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007

As you may have read in a previous post, I moved. It’s just in the same building, so no biggie. Managed to move with some help from Sasa and later from Rogier. Luckily packing all the stuff didn’t take that much effort. Of course, unpacking is still ongoing…

Anyway, to begin at the start: I was moving, Rogier had the weekend off and I asked if he’d mind helping me out. I managed to get the key a bit early, so most of the hauling of stuff was done by the time Rogier came around. However, like last time he visited, my room is that much better for it. We moved some stuff around, put some stuff in it’s place and hung up some stuff. Only shame is that I am still missing a cupboard in my kitchen. They promised that I’d get one, and it would be brilliant not to have all of my kitchen supplies lying about in the rest of the room. Nevertheless, it’s already very nice, with a big thanks to my bro!

Anyway, some pointless but funny remarks on my old room, as a sort of farewell-post:

  • Funny story 1: when I moved in, two guys were smoking in my room!
    Turned out to be my neighbor and a friend of his — the previous occupant of my new room. Since I moved in on the 1st, which was a Thursday, I took them by surprise. They figured that the new occupant would be moving in over the weekend.
  • Funny story 2: Once I came home late from The Netherlands. Tiredly, I opened the door, only to find my bed occupied! :)
    Curious? Well, I won’t put the details up for public scrutiny, but the whole situation was resolved within a minute. So no big surprises here ;-)
  • Visitors:
    1. Big Mark — first weekend in Lux, first visitor in Lux! That was really cool!
      (still haven’t finished LotR 3rd age btw ;-)
    2. Rogier — my room was a lot more like home afterwards
    3. Mom & Dad — short visit, but good that they could see the place once
    4. Ania & Marek — surprise visit, wonderful they stopped by, sucky my phone kept on crashing
    5. Ania, Marek & Klaus — chocolate od, 2:18:10, party, casematten, … phew

    This is of course excepting all those with a base in Luxembourg (so SaToSS members and those related to them are not mentioned)

  • And that’s just scratching the surface ;-)

Hope that in three months time, you’ll help me to have at least as much to say about my new room.
Current mood: good!! fine music to match: Praise Cats – Shined on me