Archive for the ‘software’ Category

Linux working more and more

Monday, April 16th, 2007

Heh, finally found a link on how to get my extra fancy mousebuttons to work in X. Not terribly important, but the list of annoyances is dwindling, which is the most important conclusion :)


Monday, March 26th, 2007

It looks more and more like I am making the switch to Ubuntu. There are still some annoyances, but the bigger ones I have managed to take care of. Have to admit though, every time I start a program I haven’t used until then, a surprise awaits me. Sometimes (GAIM), a pleasant surprise, sometimes (Skype) a not so pleasant one… but in that case, the problem surfaced in Windows as well, so I resolved it there (much simpler, more power to me there), and then bravely switched back and solved it in Ubuntu as well.

Yep, kind of happy about that… still, two things that bug me right now (your input on it more than welcome):

  • Screen resolution
    Somehow, on my desktop, the first X greeter that starts has a completely wrong resolution. ctrl-alt-backspace resolves this, and then another greeter is started. This one works, but the screen is shifted to the left. To fix it, I set the monitor to shift the image to the right (so rightshift on the monitor increases from 50 (centered) to 82).
    Not a big issue if I don’t switch, but stupid and unnecessary I think
  • Fonts — especially in Firefox, for example when browsing to
    You ever noticed the difference between the look of in FF on windows and on Ubuntu / linux? Somehow the first block of items is completely ugly bold in ubuntu, and the fonts look… well, “off”.

Any assistance more than appreciated — and should I find more gripes, I’ll put them somewhere on the blog as well!
Last games played: Wario Ware, Inc; Wario Ware: Touched