Archive for July, 2011

2004 voting “irregularities” in Ohio

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

voting logoIn 2004, something was weird about the Us presidential elections in Ohio. Now, more and more is coming to light. See the full story here.

Bruno Mars’ cool videos!

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Being in a hotel, I have access to television once again. I noticed something: Bruno Mars makes cool videos! The music isn’t bad, either. Not fantastic, but not bad. But the clips are cool!

Lazy Day
[iframe 425 349]
(I love the whistling part :)

Just the way you are
[iframe 425 349]
Cool playing with cassette tape!

[iframe 560 349]
I like the dragging of the piano all the way. I expected something to happen at the bridge though. I don’t really like the song. In my defense: it was shown often on MTV a few months ago during my evening exercises in the gym (video, no sound) :)

edit: fixed the embedding (doh: don’t embed the youtube url directly, change the “/watch?v=” part to “/embed/” ).