Now you have it, now you don’t…

Sinterklaas was a blast! Too bad I couldn’t bring all my siinterklaasgiifts back with me… Had to take some Sinterklaas candy of course, to spread the joy of the fest in Luxembourg (feeling a bit like a Sinterklaas ambassador here :). So, in the morning, about 5 minutes before we needed to go, I did the final check and decided to check for my Luxembourgian keys. No… such… luck.

WHAT?!?! AAARGH! I needed to get my train, and keys and and … ow shit.
We searched for a bit, no trace of them. Weird thing: I could also not find any trace of a (very) specific cable I put aside to take to Luxembourg. So they might be close together, but where? I turned my laptop bag inside out, turned my normal bag inside out, no clue. Not in my room at my parents, no time to check at my brother’s place… shit.

Well, decided to go and fix things in Luxembourg. That took a bit of doing, but in the end things worked out, I got to the sinterklaas celebration at work, having spare keys to go around. And three days later, I actually found my keys. In my laundry — where I put them because I had to take that to Luxembourg, so I was definitely not forgetting that.

Le duh.

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