Away from the ‘Bourg

So, at WISSec I met a couple of old friends and made some new ones. I was invited to visit Twente and perhaps give a talk there. That prospect sounded quite nice, since there are quite a number of people living in Enschede that I hadn’t seen in ages. However, first things first: I was off to Zurich for the weekend, meeting up with some friends (and having a much-needed conversation in the train with a friend).

So, as if me going to Zurich and planning to go to Twente wasn’t enough, Mihai and Raluca stopped by on their way moving back from Zurich to Twente :) We had a nice weekend here, talked quite a bit about stuff (well, WISSec was still fresh in memory) and then they were already leaving. Since they were going to shop at the Auchan first, I offered to show them the way. Well, I do know where the Auchan is… but getting there by car is slightly less easy than I thought. We first missed the parking garage entry — well, not really a problem. We then came close to the roundabout. Okay, so turn around and redo from start. Since we were turning around, we took the leftmost lane… which put us below the roundabout, on the highway to Trier. Le oops!

Well, after a fun drive through Luxembourg, we arrived back at the Auchan, and this time we did manage to enter the parking garage :)

After that, I started preparing for VOTE-ID — joechei, a paper got accepted somewhere! On Thursday, I’d be presenting the paper in Bochum (Germany), and right now it was Monday and the presentation was far from ready…

Fastforward, VOTE-ID was very nice, and meeting the familiar and not-yet-familiar faces was once again the highlight of the event (for me at least). Berry Schoenmakers gave a keynote address on “the evoting crisis” (inspired by “the software crisis”); there were interesting talks and more interesting people (as said). I’ve been back in Luxembourg now for 3 days and still need to digest most of what happened.

Then again, that is also partially due to the overload of other things happening. I found out that Bochum was really close to Enschede (closer than either Eindhoven or Luxembourg), so I went to visit Enschede. That weekend was wonderful, so no time to let VOTE-ID sink in slowly. And then, back here in Bourg, the intermediate report for my BFR grant was due, so that was the primary focus until now. Having finished those things, I just need to update my Bochum paper & slides, start preparing this talk I will be giving in Twente (I promised, so now I have to go there again (;-)), wrap up some WISSec stuff, and then I can actually get back to checking what happened there!

Pfffft, hope that’ll happen around next week.
Recent noteworthiness: Happy Birthday Aleksander!

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