Monday mornings: low power levels

It’s Monday. Despite the Monday-y-ness of the day, you manage to arrive in the office before 9. Hooray! As usual, you turn on your PC and fetch some water to make some… hold on. Let’s try that again.
You turn on your PC… … you turn on your PC… … …

Okay, let me check the instructions for turning on the PC:

  1. Press the powerbutton

Unlike its usual effect of starting to whizz and burr happily, today this doesn’t even induce the slightest dissatisfied hiccup from my trusty old PC. Just a blinking orange light of the power button. Hmmms.

Fastforward a bit, and after opening two deprecated PCs hunting for a replacement power supply, we have to give up. Before I finished setting up one of those old PCs as my temporary PC, the man from computer support returns wielding… a new powersupply! Hoooraaaaaay!

Five minutes later, and I’m typing this. It took a while to hunt down, but I am seriously impressed by the speed with which local computer support got me back on track. So: a happy note to start the week!

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