One small step for a man…

You know, how sometimes something happens to you and you feel like it should be all over the news? I dunno, first kiss, you got your paper accepted when you didn’t think it would, you just made an amazing manoeuver a boat, you just bought your first house, whatever. And somehow, an enormous, exhilarating feeling swells up inside and you just feel good. Damn good, even.

Sometimes, when the feeling is powerful enough, you almost start to wonder: why aren’t other people smiling? Can’t they see how cool the world is now that I tipped it into its place?

Funny thing is, you’re always aware that it isn’t that special: other people kiss for the first time too (although probably slightly different), (different) papers get accepted, people sail, people buy (different) houses, whatever. Yet, somehow, it feels that this one instance is special because it’s you, and this one is unique — all the others are different. Silly huh?

So that’s how I feel right now. Rather high on dopamine, feeling a bit silly about that, on top of which I realise that in the end it’s nothing that doesn’t happen to the rest of the world.
But it feels good!

Too vague: feeling very good for a silly reason — yet still feeling very good :)

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