Bye bye pc, hello laptop

BCF came to collect my old desktop pc today. I’ve spend a bit of time cleaning it (roughly, there’s still stuff on there but nothing (I hope) that I mind sharing) over the weekend and yesterday, but now it is really gone. Kind of weird, since I’ve been using that pc for my Master Thesis and then onwards. (yes, one does gather quite a bit of bits in such a lengthy period, so cleaning is non-trivial.)
On top of that, they took the nice, fancy screen I had (boohoo, was to be expected though), and I got myself a nice, clean keyboard. The layout of it is hilarious – a dutch keyboard layout?? :) I’m almost convinced that Dell is giving away this crap for free. Luckily enough I can type without looking at the keyboard, because otherwise this would be horrendously confusing. Well, one thing’s clear: if I need to program, I’m getting myself a different keyboard.

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