SaToSS kickoff event!

Yesterday we (the people in the SaToSS group) had a little event to celebrate the start of our group here at UdL. Each of us gave a short (~30 min) talk on past, present and ideas for future research. There was a break with coffee, tea and wonderful chocolaty pie, and the official proceedings were followed by a nice borrel.

The secretaries, Mireille and Ragga, both helped out wonderfully with arranging the food and drinks (Ragga even came on Wednesday, even though that is normally her day off!). The event was a resounding success, and, judging by the reactions from the participants, merits a recurrence.

Afterwards we went into town for a nice dinner. Baptiste knew of a tibetian/himalayan/indian restaurant. We asked them for mix&match meal – we were with a group of nine (Sjouke + family, the other SaToSS members and Leon, a professor at UdL too), so having many small bites is an easy way to enjoy all the different flavours. It was a very, very great meal – in taste and in size :) And with that, a very nice afternoon came to a late end.

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