Eeeuh… buntu! (part deux)

Just as a heads up, I’ve reinstalled the Eee and am now running Ubuntu 9.04 with Adamm’s kernel. Several things have changed slightly (not necessarily improved over Ubuntu 8.04 with Adamm’s kernel, but changed). I have updated the old post to reflect the new state. (Yes, I use that post to reconfigure the Eee — it’s just quicker that way :)

Main annoying quirk now is that the window manager is just slooooow. There is a bug on that somewhere for the Ubuntu Netbook Remix — which I am not running. I decided to go with vanilla Ubuntu for the time being. It happy me makes so far a bittish.

PS: In case word hasn’t reached you yet: 25th of August! 16:00, Auditorium 5. If you need to ask, you’re out of the loop ;-P

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