
Chocolate brick is good! Too bad Laura just moved out, she’s missing the brick. So, what happened? I experimented with cooking once again. This time, I tried and succeeded to thwart the general conventions and notions surrounding the enigmatic concept known as “chocolate mousse”. Without spoiling too much of the fun, I can honestly claim that chocolate and raw egg a good taste do make!

Popular opinion on what exact devation I may applied varies. Current contenders are “insufficient whipping of the egg whites” (by the Boss-man) and “too much chocolate” (by my girlfriend). As we all know, there is no such thing as too much chocolate. Nevertheless, to achieve the airiness usually associated with chocolate mousse, more eggwhite would probably have been better. Thus, the first option seems unlikely too. So, for me, the issue is still open. Which means: I will have to try again :)

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