Slight activity

It has been a while since I did some things (actually, it has been a while since I did loads of things ;-). This weekend so far seems to pick up some of them. I am playing SMG (no, not that SMG) once again, reading GEB, being sportive, cleaning my room a bit (not finished, more planned today), uploading photo’s and ripping cd’s (okay, that is wishful thinking at the moment), doing sunday shopping at Delhaize (also wishful thinking, and not happening if I don’t hurry).

Okay, anyway, what feels really nice right now (exactly now) is having run once again. It has been ages, and in the beginning I felt like I wouldn’t last. So I did :) Don’t you just love that extra push you can get out of that sort of thing once in a while? Well, it almost never works for me, but sometimes, denying the obvious feels just too right, and so it does now. I actually managed to run quite a bit — every time I felt like it was close to enough, there was no decent shortcut in sight (except once, but then I figured “we can just as well take a look in the park instead of returning home”) and every time there was a choice of roads, I felt too energetic to go home. Which became somewhat awkward near the end, I can tell you that :) I managed to finally get home by tricking myself — this energetic avoidance mechanism did not recognise the backside of my convent as belonging to ‘home’, so I was at the backdoor before my body started feeling too energetic to stop. Turns out I ran for something in the order of 50 minutes to one hour (not too sure, didn’t take a watch, but estimates based on music played while I was away). Which is quite surprising, given that I really haven’t had any decent exercise the last couple of way-too-longs.

So I am typing this as I just returned (really: opened the door, threw shirt in a corner and started typing), and I am feeling very happy. (And that’s not just running, but right now that *is* a large part of it).

Best from the ‘Bourg for now,


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