Ubuntu 8.04 and xmms

Xmms don’t no longer no packagy downloady instally in Ubunty.

Err, I mean: Ubuntu 8.04 does not have a package for xmms. As everyone knows, xmms is the single most perfect music player on the face of this planet or any other non-gasgiant planet, and happens to do your laundry at the same time as clean your appartment. So obviously, we need it. All of us. And now, we have some guidelines! (Yes, I could probably have figured that out myself, but I am a lazy bastard). Will get back to you to see if this works :)

Update:  Not only does it work, I also learned in due course that the Ubuntu equivalent of Windows-key+R (run) is Alt+F2. Might try to find out more aboutsimilar keyboard shortcuts now :)

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